Computer devices & softwere

Our adventure with consumer electronics began in late 70s of 20th century with Atari 2600 game console, which arrived to us from overseas. The fascination with computer technologies began in the 80s of the last century, when the ZX Spectrum minicomputer appeared. Later there were adventures with minicomputers like Atari 800XL, Commodore 64. Loading games from cassette tape, 5.25 ” floppy drives with turbo option for Atari 800XL, cartridges, “hacking “games using PEEK/POKE language commands. Later on Personal Computer type machines appeared on the market, DOS, Windows, Linux and other operating systems as well as further dynamic development of technology.

Dial in Internet access allowed popularization of network technologies. Broadband Internet access boosted development of many Internet based services.


Company constantly studies market and traces development of technologies and products, trends and market news to offer the latest products and most advantageous solutions.

WDG-TECH offers possibility of deliveries of communication and IT hardware and software of reputable brands.

  • Desktop computers
  •  Servers
  •   Laptops
  •   Notebooks
  • Monitors
  • Printers
  • Keyboards
  • Consumables
  • Mice
  • Projectors and screens
  • Graphics tablets
  • Graphics tablets
  • Office equipment
  • Peripherals
  • Network devices
  • UPS
  • Software
  • Scanners